Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ghosting and A Ghost

Have you ever felt a presence in your home?  What is that like? I ask because sometimes at night I will feel a presence. In my groggy sleepy haze I always think the car is walking across the bed and over me but then when I reach for her I catch nothing but air. And then I will look and even sit up to look better but see nothing. The cat is nowhere near. It's weird and sometimes it scares me and sometimes it doesn't bother me. It's been happening for nearly 10 years.

Speaking of ghosts, have you heard of the term "ghosting"? It's this thing where you're friends and all of a sudden the friend just sort of stops taking your calls and won't text or message you back. What's up with that? It's happened to me a couple of times this past year and it aggravates me. Are we in middle school? That sort of thing seems standard for the adolescent mindset.

I don't know why but each case bothers me and makes my heart sad. I would like to know why the sudden disappearance happened because I am interested in growth and being a better me. If I don't know what I did to warrant the ghosting then I can't know better=do better. Have you been ghosted? How did it make you feel? What did you do? Probably moved on a lot better than me.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Living Life

Do you ever have days where you wake up completely exhausted even though you rocked it really good in bed last night? I'm not talking about sexy time with the husband. I'm talking about head hitting the pillow and passing out and sleeping a full nine hours rocking it in bed sleep. According to my fitbit I was only awake for 40 minutes last night. Total sleeping time of a little over 9 hours. That's almost like finding a unicorn in the forest for me. I normally don't sleep so well and I don't need my fitbit to tell me that. How do you get a good night of sleep internet?

Anyway I spent most of the day exhausted and in need of a nap so what did I do? It's funny you should ask because I just sort of went outside for about an hour and spent around 20 minutes or so watering my trees and flowers and then on the inside of the house I wiped down a few counters and rinsed a few dishes to put in the dishwasher and I dusted the floors and wiped up the piles of dust. Where does all of that dust come from anyway? I usually do this two times a day.

If course I fixed dinner which was an easy task because I baked a bunch of stew meat in some spices and sauces and then shredded the meat yesterday. We had burritos with the meat and refried beans and cheese. We also had salad and cherries yesterday for dinner. Today we had tostadas with beans and cheese and the shredded meat. Lettuce and tomatoes and more cheese topped our crunchy tostadas and we had some spicy Mexican rice too. We had chocolate custard for a really tasty treat after dinner thanks to my husband's work. I'm glad he brings home yummy snacks sometimes.

I have a bit of the shredded meat left over and I suppose I'll make soft tacos or something tomorrow. Maybe have another salad and more rice or beans to round out our tour of Mexico at Mama's Kitchen (ya know me).

Then after tomorrow I'll need to fry up some chicken and make a nice chicken gravy and some potatoes and perhaps some peas to make it look like I'm trying to make something healthy. And after that who knows. I certainly don't. Too far away to plan because maybe I will be craving something. All I know is that I'll be cooking something for the people who I love.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

My Family

I used to blog until my fingers bled. I loved it because I could voice my feelings and frustrations and worries. On the flipside of that pancake I could also share my triumphs and celebrations. Those are always fun.

A little background for those of you who don't know me. My youngest is in middle school and has some pretty major orthopedic issues.  As an infant the first orthopedic surgeon we visited wanted to amputate his leg. We high tailed it out of that office quickly. We have been with our second opinion for almost 12 years and my son still has his leg. It's referred to "the expensive leg" around here. He has had a dozen or more surgeries and will likely have more and the sad truth is that it's possible that after all of these years of surgeries and therapies that he could still lose his leg. But right now things are good. Good is good. I like good.

He is amazing and smart and funny and most of all a kind and compassionate kid. I've been truly blessed with this loveable little boy of mine.

My oldest is healthy and I pray that she stays that way. She's about to begin high school and I'm proud and excited and oh so nervous. Gosh she's so smart. Like in all of the AP classes and still makes all A's and maybe a B or 2 on all of her report cards smart. I joke that there must have been a baby mix up at the hospital because no way my DNA passed on brains that smart. My husband jokes too but says that the kids got their brains from me. I beg to differ but Love that he compliments me like that.

My husband is my love. After more than 20 years together he still makes me so happy when he does those little things like when he kisses me as soon as he walks in the door when he makes it home from work. He is patient and kind and puts up with me. Sometimes I'm moody and distant and grumpy and disagreeable yet he still loves me. I'm blessed for sure.

Me? I'm just me. I like to read books but can go on a reading hiatus that can last for weeks and weeks and weeks and then I'll remember a book I wanted to read that I saw someplace while out and about or maybe I saw someone holding a book and was all 'hey I want that book' so I check it out at the library and see a few that strike my interest so I grab those and then I check out from most of life for a few days.

I work but only part time. I need to remain a bit open and available just in case medical issues arise. Colds and flus and tummy aches and surgeries and recovering from said surgeries.....I'm the main one in charge of that circus.

So tell me something about you? Link to your blog?  Do you like to read? Favorite books? It's okay to reveal spoilers because sometimes that's the thing that intrigues me the most.

Events of Life

I hope to peck out something more substantial than this sometime soon.

My mind sort of goes about a thousand miles an hour and I sort of feel the need to vent or share....something.

So it's been a real long while.

I've missed blogging.